Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Brazil preparation

Me: "What is that shape there...? That yellow shape on the Brazilian flag?"
Girl: "Oh, it's a diamond!"
Former engineering student: "No, that's a rhombus."
Co-worker familiar with Brazil: "Rhombus...? take your rhombus down to the favela and see how far that gets you..."

I'm spending a good amount of time preparing for this trip...mostly in the form of familiarizing myself with the language, as I do not want to put myself in the position of not being able to communicate effectively with the people. I also have spent a little time studying the country generally, mostly during breaks in the class I'm in. I was always intrigued with the Brazilian flag. It's so unique and different from what you see on other flags, with different colors and shapes and the non-symmetrical arrangement of the stars.

Can't wait to get down there.

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