Sunday, August 28, 2011


I'm typically not a big fan of big cities during these types of trips, but Warsaw turned out to be a nice place to spend a day. It has a nice "old town" that was reconstructed (after the Nazis razed the city more or less out of spite near the end of the war), based on photos and plans. They did a nice job of making the old town look old.

The other sight of note in Warsaw is the Warsaw Rising Museum, which details the efforts made by the Warsaw natives to rise up in an insurgency against the Nazis. The museum is well worth a visit. It has many large and varied exhibits. The Warsaw Uprising is not to be confused with the Ghetto Uprising made a year earlier by the Jews. Both uprising were defeated; the Warsaw Uprising led to the destruction of much of the city. The city was eventually "liberated" by the Red Army some months later, as the Germans faded. Tough way to go, fighting the Nazis, weakening them, and then having the Soviets come in.

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