Sunday, May 2, 2010

Flying back tonight

My flight back is tonight from Sao Paolo to Miami and then on to Tampa. Well, at least I hope it is tonight. I am flying on a standby ticket, so hopefully I will get on...if not, I will have to pay for a flight leaving early tomorrow morning since I have to be at work Tuesday morning.

As for Sao Paolo, it has been good. If I were going to live in this country, this is where I would live, as it is generally safe and clean (depending where you are of course), has a nice climate thanks to the elevation, and simply dominates Brazil financially, economically, and culturally. It may not be on the ocean, but the beaches are not far. It is indeed a huge city and confusing to navigate for someone unfamiliar, but most areas I have seen seem safe enough, and the people I have met have been friendly. SP has loads and loads of shopping centers and plenty of museums, of which I have checked out a couple (the museums and the "shoppings" as they are called in local parlance, and believe me, words ending in 'ing have no place in the Portuguese you can take that wherever you want when considering American cultural influence...)

We will see what happens at the airport tonight.

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