Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Traveling alone

All in all, a great trip. Traveling alone always leads to a bit of anxiety as the trip is kicking off, but in the end it always proves to be the way to go if you are interested in meeting people from all over the place, as I am. Being on your own simply forces you to talk to people and make the effort to meet people. When you are with someone else, you just wouldn't do that as much. And I was lucky...I met good people every step of the way, starting with the old man on the flight to Medellin that introduced me to his friend's daughter, who then took me out drinking with her friends the next day. At the next stop in Leticia I met the two British girls on the walk from airport to the town. I met a number of interesting folks on the boat ride down the Amazon, had an amazing coincidental encounter with someone on Brasilia, had some friends visit in Rio, spent a couple nights with a friend of a friend in Rio, crashed an Intrepid tour group for a night out in Paraty, and then met a great person in SP. Where you go is important no doubt, but the reason I like traveling in South America so much is that I can actually communicate with the people...in their language, albeit in a rudimentary way in Brazil, but I will improve on that for the next time down there...and there will be a next time....

"Conociendo el mundo a traves de las personas"

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