Friday, December 28, 2007

Adios Argentina

I am outta here. Off to Chile today and not going to be returning to Argentina this time. Guess that means I need to waste the 20 pesos I still have in my pocket. Had a pretty good time here in Bariloche, it is quite the Alpine oasis in the middle of nowhere, although can´t say the rafting was as good as in West Virginia, though the people I met were pretty good. The longer I travel the less I care about what I actually do and the more I care about what kind of people I stumble across.

This means I am officially leaving Patagonia as well.... I had considered taking a plane to skip through the desolation...but ended up taking a bus the whole way. Didn´t want to cheat with a plane...I reckon riding the bus and seeing the continent is part of the experience, so I will continue with buses until I reach Peru. Can´t say the scenery in Patagonia affected me the way it has many writers over the years (if I should dare call myself a writer)...but then it´s basically an empty desert wasteland and I have actually seen a few such places...the Iraq-Syria border, West Texas, the Outback, and 29 Palms come to mind.

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